Monday, February 28, 2011

T. Swift

Taylor Swift started out young. It said to be she makes songs based off bad experiences with her relationships and that any teenages girl can relate to.. 3 albums of more recently boyfriends? dang.. hahah but thats not that point. She is an idol and icon to females of all ages. Some people cant stand her but other adore her. She known for her beautiful bleach blonde curls that stand out next to anyone. She's so sweet and kind hearted. Though her songs are over rated and overly played a lot i love the ones that aren't! I can always find myself betlting them out just like most teenaged girls.
She has severaly albums:
1. Sounds of the Seasons (a holiday cd)
2. Speak Now
3. Taylor Swift
4. Fearless

Most people she thinks she absolutely sucks live, and i must agree. She's scrathy and pitchy. Not to mention her facial expressions are lame as can be. It looks like she trys way to hard and yet it still terrible. BUT she IS getting better. I must admit she has improven over the last couple of years, thank you Lord for that! We are ALL tired of hearing that terrible voice. If it werent to the fact that she can play the guitarr and the technology they can use to produce a voice, she wouldnt be famous..

But i still LOVE T. Swift


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree! So many girls look up to her but her songs all sound the same to me. Haha Taylor has some really good songs and they're catchy but she's definitely not the most talented artist out there. I'm so glad her guitar and voice are getting better though! :) (I had to comment again because my comment wasn’t long enough)
